B Square Gallery
614 South 9th St
Philadelphia, PA 19147
(215) 625-0692
There are no gallery hours in 2015, please call for an appointment.
Check out a list of all the artists shown in B Square Gallery
Heather Bryson opened B Square Gallery in Philadelphia in November 2000.
As a part of Moore College of Art & Design’s 160th Anniversary celebration, Moore Alumnae present Moore Footsteps, a city-wide exhibition. The scale (six foot boots) provided a broad canvas for alumnae to express who they are as artists and to honor women in art and design.
The concept of the large boot grew from the theme of the 2009 annual alumnae exhibition, Footsteps. The exhibition featured alumnae-designed shoes inspired by the paths they follow or forge for others.
Click on the image to see larger pictures of Heather's boot.
Heather wanted a space to showcase her talented friends' art, as well as her own work and B Square has facilitated all of her dreams. The art of business and communicating with her clients has helped her to grow as an artist. Heather and B Square Gallery were featured in the fall 2007 issue of MooreNews and Heather was selected as one of 12 artists to paint Darla Jackson's sculpted boot for the exhibition Footsteps, celebrating Moore College of Art and Design's 160th anniversary.
Come in to discuss custom jewelry designs or browse around the gallery filled with Philly talent. It is a warm and friendly place to visit where you will find lots of special, local one of a kind pieces. B Square Gallery is wheelchair accessible. Hope to see you soon!
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